Echeveria “Gorgon’s Grotto” is a peculiar-looking succulent that will surely get your guests second-guessing if you’re raising jellyfish in your outdoor garden.
The succulent’s plump, waxy, somewhat wrinkled bluish-green leaves with pink edges are responsible for giving Gorgon’s Grotto its bizarre but beautiful appearance.
When given regular exposure to direct sunlight, this Echeveria succulent will undergo a dramatic transformation whereby its blue-green leaves turn light yellow and the pink-colored edges become red.
Gorgon’s grotto is among the popular varieties of the genus, Echeveria that’s native to the mountainous terrains of Mexico and Argentina.
Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto is a member of the Crassulaceae family and reaches a maximum height of 10-inches (25cm) tall and 12-inches (30cm) in diameter. In the springtime, you will be greeted by enthralling pink flowers.
General Information
Also known as: Gorgon’s grotto
Plant Family: Crassulaceae
Origin: Mexico and Argentina
Height: 10-inches (25cm)
Exposure: Partial to full sunlight for up to 6 hours daily but full sun is recommended for the Gorgon’s grotto to attain light yellow leaves with red-colored edges.
Water Needs: Test the soil’s dryness and if it’s completely dried out, give it a thorough drenching. Only water the soil and never the plant directly.
Soil Type: Cactus or commercial soil mix with added ingredients such as perlite, pumice, coarse sand, and lava rocks for better drainage.
Soil pH: 5.6 to 7.8
How to Grow and Care for Echeveria “Gorgon’s Grotto”
If you’re in the market for a succulent that you can grow outdoors and indoors, Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto is it. You can plant Echeveria in a garden or in a pot as a homegrown succulent.
It would be advisable to plant Gorgon’s grotto in a container that you can move indoors if you experience winter or if temperatures drop to below 30° F (-1.1° C) as this succulent plant isn’t cold-hardy.
Like most varieties of succulents, Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto is easy to grow and care for. As you will read in this section, the less care it’s given, the better for your plant.
We all know that sunlight is important for all plants in order to produce food. For Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto, direct sunlight will help it achieve another set of bewildering colors.
You can plant Echeveria in an area in the garden that gets partial or full sunlight for at least 6 hours a day.
If you’re hoping to grow Gorgon’s grotto with light yellow leaves and red-colored edges, a good idea would be to plant the succulent in a pot and move it to a location where it gets direct sunlight before moving it back to partial shade.
As an indoor succulent, place the pot near a window that receives partial sunlight or position it under a Grow Light for 6 hours to attain its maximum colors.
The important thing to keep in mind is to provide Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto with its daily dose of morning sunlight. Otherwise, the plant will experience etiolation, a condition where the leaves stretch out and wither away.
Finally, never expose Echeveria to the mid-afternoon sun. The rays of the sun are too harsh at that time and will burn the succulent plant’s leaves.
Did you forget to water Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto? That’s okay. In fact, that’s even better because like other variants of the genus Echeveria, it thrives better when it’s given less water.
Gorgon’s grotto stores water in its leaves and stems and this natural ability allows it to survive long periods of drought. Meanwhile, if the soil remains moist, it will develop fungi that are harmful to your succulents.
Excess moisture in the soil can also cause the cells of Echeveria’s roots to rupture and leave them exposed to the fungi in the soil. Once the bacteria enter the roots, the entire plant will be contaminated right away.
Before giving water, check the soil’s dryness by inserting a stick into the topsoil. If the end of the stick feels dry to the touch, then get ready to give the soil a thorough soaking.
Usually, succulents receive water every seven to 10 days in the summertime and less in the winter because soil tends to stay moist longer during the cold months. To be sure, it’s always a good idea to check the moisture level of the soil.
Pot and Soil
When deciding on which type of pot and soil to use for Echeveria, drainage quality should remain the top priority.
For this reason, choose unglazed ceramic or terracotta as Gorgon’s grotto’s home. These materials are highly-recommended by horticulturists because of their ability to free up moisture from the soil.
Also, choose a pot that’s slightly bigger than the base of the plant to allow the roots to grow and to support better aeration of the soil. Lastly, make sure the pot has a drain hole with a mesh net at the bottom to enable excess water to trickle out.
Cactus soil mix or any commercial succulent soil product made with gritty materials such as perlite, pumice, coarse sand, and lava rocks is a good choice for Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto.
How to Propagate Echeveria “Gorgon’s Grotto”
If you can’t get enough of Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto, how can get more of them? The answer is to propagate the species and there are 3 methods for you to consider.
Leaves Method
Step 1: Perform a gentle twist and pull off a healthy leaf. Take extra care that no part of the leaf remains on the stem. Otherwise, it might not be possible to carry out successful propagation.
Step 2: Place the leaves in a dry area and give them around 2 to 4 days to harden with calluses.
Step 3: Once the leaves have developed calluses, place them on well-draining soil.
Step 4: Sprinkle the soil with water and situate the pot near a window that receives sunlight for 6 hours every day.
Step 5: Once the roots have formed, water the soil when you’ve confirmed that it’s 100% dry.
Stem Cuttings Method
Step 1: Choose a healthy stem that’s growing near the main plant.
Step 2: Cut off a part of the stem with a pair of gardening scissors or a knife. Make sure the cutting tool is both sharpened and sterilized.
Step 3: Allow the stem cuttings 2 to 4 days to dry out and callus all over.
Step 4: Place the stem cuttings on top of well-draining soil and lightly water it.
Step 5: Position the pot near a window that gets at most 6 hours of partial morning sunlight.
Step 6: Only give the soil water when the roots have taken hold.
Offsets Method
Step 1: Gently pull out the offsets that are growing near the base of the main plant.
Step 2: Leave the offsets in a clean and dry place where it can develop calluses.
Step 3: Plant the callused offsets in well-draining soil.
Step 4: Lightly water the soil and position the pot near a window that can assure the plant at least 6 hours of partial sunlight on a daily basis.
Step 5: Check the soil for dryness before giving it water if the offsets have sprouted roots.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Echeveria “Gorgon’s Grotto” Toxic to Cats and Dogs?
Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto isn’t included in the list of plants toxic to cats and dogs that appear on the website of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA).
Why Is My Echeveria “Gorgon’s Grotto” Dying?
If you notice the leaves and stems of Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto developing yellowish-brown or even blackish spots, the infection has set in and your succulent could be dying.
The possible causes are overwatering and pest infestation. The good news is that if you act right away, your Echeveria can be saved.
As we discussed earlier, overwatering leads to root rot. If the fungi find their way inside the plant, the infection will work its way outside. You have to stop the infection from spreading.
Get a sterilized and sharpened knife or a pair of garden shears and cut off all the infected sections of Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto. Do the same with its roots. Then, allow it to rest and dry out while you prepare its new pot.
We recommend using a new pot because even if you clean the old one, it might still contain traces of the fungus. Fill up the pot with cactus or succulent soil and replant Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto.
Pest Infestation
The leaves of Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto are filled with sap which provides the plant with plenty of nutrition. Unfortunately, the sap also attracts pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, and aphids.
The pests don’t only pose a threat by draining the succulent of sap. They also leave residue and substances that can infect Echeveria.
If you see white, cotton-like substances on the leaves of Gorgon’s grotto, wipe them off with a Q-tip soaked in 70% isopropyl alcohol. Also, remove dead leaves that have accumulated near the base of the succulent. Then, spray Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto with a natural insecticide like Neem Oil.
Yes, Echeveria Gorgon’s grotto blooms with beautiful pinkish flowers in the springtime.
Last Updated on June 9, 2022 by Sofia Lara