Sempervivum heuffelii “Irene” starts out as a tight and compact rosette with deep burgundy…
Sofia Lara
Sofía Lara
Soy Lara, y mi fuerte pasión por las suculentas comenzó hace ocho años, cuando conseguí mi primera Aloe Polyphylla. Desde entonces me enamoré de las suculentas y ahora tengo más de 100 tipos diferentes en mi casa. En AboutSucculents comparto los conocimientos y la pasión que he adquirido en los últimos años.
Aeonium canariense is an enchanting succulent that can illuminate your home or outdoor garden…
Aloe arborescens is an elegant succulent plant but has an imposing presence because of…
Sempervivum globiferum easily catches the attention of passers-by and house guests because its unusual…
Echeveria “Azulita” enchanting beauty is made possible by its thick, blue-green colored leaves that…
Sempervivum “Pink Lemonade” is a beguiling succulent because the colors of its leaves change…
Echeveria “Etna” growing in your outdoor garden might get your guests thinking they’re in…
Crassula rupestris is an adorable succulent that grows thin stems with small, thick, oval-shaped…
Sempervivum “Mark Weller” is a charming cold-hardy succulent that’s sure to elicit “wows”, wonder,…
Echeveria “Neon Breakers” is an evergreen succulent that impresses horticulturists and their guests alike…