Sedum Praealtum is a fascinating-looking succulent that will surely brighten up any outdoor garden or home interior.
This plant is categorized as a succulent shrub and explains why one of its popular nicknames is Shrubby Stonecrop.
The leaves of Sedum Praealtum are dark green that grows a length of 5cm to 7cm (1.9” to 2.7”) and have reddish-purple color on their edges. The colors and appearance of the leaves have given Sedum another nickname, Green Cockscomb.
Fully-mature Sedum Praealtum can reach a height of 50.5cm (12”) tall and a width of 91cm (36”).
If you take care of Shrubby Stonecrop properly, you will be rewarded with large clusters of small, star-shaped, yellow-colored flowers that appear on the apex of the leaves.
Sedum Praealtum is native to Mexico and is a member of the Crassulaceae family.
General Information
Also known as: Shrubby Stonecrop, Green Cockscomb
Plant Family: Crassulaceae
Origin: Mexico.
Height: 30.5cm (12”)
Exposure: Full to partial sunlight for up to 6 hours.
Water Needs: Water the soil only when it’s completely dry.
Soil Type: Cactus mix or 2 parts standard potting soil plus 2 parts coarse sand, 2 parts peat, 1 part perlite or crushed charcoal for better drainage.
Soil pH: 5.6 to 6.2.
How to Grow and Care for Sedum Praealtum

There are different reasons why horticulturists love to grow Sedum Praealtum.
First, they like the fact that Shrubby Stonecrop grows vertically and can add more dimension to an outdoor garden or a home’s living room.
Second, those in the pharmaceutical industry report that this succulent plant has medicinal properties. The sap can be used to treat burns and other types of wounds on the skin.
Finally, it’s simply a succulent that’s easy to grow and care for. You just need to follow the tips outlined below.
Sedum Praealtum is not picky about the sun’s rays. Whether it’s full or partial sunlight, as long as Shrubby Stonecrop gets 4 to 6 hours of the morning or late afternoon sunlight, your plant will be happy.
This succulent is not cold-hardy and may not survive if your region’s temperature drops below -6.7° C (20° F).
If your area experiences freezing temperatures, it would be a good idea to plant Green Cockscomb in a pot that can be moved from your outdoor garden to inside the house.
You can help Sedum Praealtum acclimate to home life by locating the pot near a window that gets 4 to 6 hours of partial to full sunlight.

The rule on watering Sedum Praealtum is simple and easy to remember.
Only water the soil when it’s 100% dry.
Don’t water the soil if it’s still moist. This might take seven to 10 days. The best way to be sure is to insert a stick 1-2” deep into the topsoil. If the stick comes out dry, it’s perfectly fine to water the soil.
Give the soil a good soaking. If the plant is inside a pot, once excess water starts to leak out from the drain holes, that’s good enough.
Do not overwater the soil as this will lead to root rot and eventually, a fungal infection.
Pot and Soil
The ideal pot and soil for Sedum Praealtum are the types that allow proper drainage. Remember, moisture is your number one problem when growing succulents.
Choose an unglazed pot because this type of pot allows moisture to escape along its sides. Ceramic and terracotta are good examples of unglazed pots. Make sure the pot has drain holes at the bottom.
Shrubby Stonecrop will grow best in cactus mix. You can also come up with 2 parts standard potting mix and add 2 parts coarse sand, 2 parts peat, 1 part perlite, or crushed charcoal to further improve drainage.
How to Propagate Sedum Praealtum
If you’re loving the way Sedum Praealtum makes your outdoor garden look or how your home feels, the good news is that you can easily add to its numbers by propagating the species through stem cuttings.
Method 1 – Stem Cuttings
Step 1: Choose a healthy stem from the main plant.
Step 2: Cut it off with a sterilized and sharpened knife or a pair of garden shears.
Step 3: Allow the stem cuttings to develop calluses by leaving them in a dry and warm area for 2 to 3 days.
Step 4: Plant the cuttings on well-draining cactus mix soil.
Step 5: Keep the soil lightly moist by misting it with water frequently until the roots have fully formed.
Step 6: Once the roots have taken hold, only water the soil when it’s 100% dry.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is Sedum Praealtum Toxic to Cats and Dogs?
Sedum Praealtum is not listed on the website of the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) as a succulent plant that can be harmful to your cats and dogs.
Why Is My Sedum Praealtum Dying?
If you suspect that your Sedum Praealtum could be close to dying, it could be because the succulent was given more water than it needed. Another possibility is that pests have made Shrubby Stonecrop their home.
When it comes to succulents such as Green Cockscomb, you should not water them as you would other plants.
Succulents can store water in their leaves and stems. Watering the soil while there’s moisture will put the roots at risk of rotting.
As the roots are immersed in a moist condition for a long period of time, their cells will keep expanding until they rupture. A fungal infection will set in that will spread rapidly throughout the plant.
A strong sign of fungal infection is discoloration on the leaves and stems. Discoloration might appear as black spots or a change in color from a healthy green to a suspicious yellowish-black.
The first step to saving Sedum Praealtum is to cut off the infected parts with a sterilized knife or garden shears. From here, shift your focus to the roots. Remove Shrubby Stonecrop from the soil and cut off all of the roots that have rotted away.
Allow Sedum Praealtum to dry out before replanting it in a pot filled with fresh cactus mix.
Pest Infestation
Insects such as mealybugs will drain Sedum Praealtum of nutritious sap while snails and mollusks will feast on its different parts.
Protect Shrubby Stonecrop from these pests by spraying it with neem oil or any type of organic insecticide.
Remove traces of mealybugs by wiping all white, cotton-like substances on the succulent plant’s leaves with a cotton swab dipped in 70% isopropyl alcohol.
Yes, in the late spring and early winter months, Sedum Praealtum produces large clusters of small, star-shaped, bright-colored flowers that bloom on top of its foliage.
Last Updated on June 9, 2022 by Sofia Lara